
Rustam Khalfin

Rustam Halfin. A pinch. From the Shards series. 1998-2001, drawing, paper, pencil, 15x8 cm

Title: Pinch

Title in the original language:  Щепоть

Author(s) / creator(s): Rustam Halfin

Technique: drawing, paper, pencil

Size / duration: 15x8 cm

Year of creation: 1990

Place of creation: Almaty

Provided by: OF Asia Art +

Key words: Pulota; Pinch; Tactility

Access level: on-line

Description: The "Pinch" drawing is a linear interpretation of the corresponding gesture of the artist's photo of the same name. Part of the series of drawings "Shards". At the same time, the drawing can be attributed to one of the interpretations of pulota.