Title: AYGOLEK Requiem for a Dream, Bakytty zhoktau
Title in the original language: AYGOLEK Реквием по мечте, Бақытты жоқтау
Editors: Kanat Ibragimov
Authors: Moldakul Narymbetov, Kanat Ibragimov
Description: Catalog of the exhibition "Aigolek"
Languages: Russian
Artists: Moldakul Narymbetov, Kanat Ibragimov
Country of publication: Kazakhstan
Publisher: Museum of Art named after Kasteyev, KOKSEREK, Kyzyl TRAKTOR
Publisher in the original language: Музей искусств им. Кастеева, KOKSEREK, Қызыл трактор
Year of creation: 2009
Number of pages: 33
Circulation: 1000
Cover: Moldakul Narymbetov, Kanat Ibragimov
Access level: online