
Title: Uch-Emchek

Title in Original Language: Уч-Эмчек

Author/s | Creator/s: Gamal Bokonbayev Archive

Artwork-Medium: Materials of art residence

Artwork-Dimensions | Length: 84 pages

Year of Creation: 2008

Place of Creation: Bishkek

Courtesy: Gamal Bokonbayev Archive

Keywords: art residence; Kyrgyzstan

Access level: online

Description:  Materials of the art residence Uch-Emchek, 2008, Bishkek. Curator Gamal Bokonbayev. Project participants: Talgat Asyrankulov, Ulan Djaparov, Shiloo Dzhekshenbaev, George Kolotov, Talent Ogobaev, Valery Ruppel, Addis Seytaliev, Ishimbekov Jenish