
Rustam Khalfin

by Rustam Halfin. Fragments. Within the framework of the project "Zero level. Clay project". 1998-2001, installation of a series of drawings (paper, pencil, ink, brush), on the background of a clay environment. LOOK Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Title: Fragments

Title in the original language: Осколки 

Author(s) / Creator(s): Rustam Halfin

Technique: Installation from a series of drawings (paper, pencil, ink, brush), on the background of a clay environment

Size / Duration: variable

Year of creation: 1998-2001

Place of creation: Almaty

Provided by: OF Asia Art+

Keywords: Fragments; installation; environment; Clay project; LOOK

Access level: on-line

Description: A series of drawings for the project "Self-portraits without a mirror". The presented installation was demonstrated in the LOOK gallery, as part of the project "Zero Level. Clay project".